SpaceX Back in Action

After watching the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket explode shortly after launch back in June, two things were going through my head.  “How will they handle this disaster?” and “When will they return to flight?”  The first question was answered in the weeks that followed as SpaceX CEO Elon Musk reported that the most likely cause of the accident was a failure in a second stage strut that held a high pressure helium tank in place.  The second question could be answered this evening when the first Falcon 9 launch in six months takes place at Cape Canaveral. The last time a...

Morning Launch

Nothing like a rocket launch in the early morning to inspire and wake you up.  The 4 Million Newtons of thrust and a weight of over 500 tons gives a nice blast of power to your morning that coffee never could.  I am talking about the Atlas V rocket that launched on September 2nd, carrying a US Navy communications satellite up into orbit. There is a lot happening in this medium exposure photo.  The rocket blasts off in a bright flash, then climbs into the atmosphere, where its exhaust plume becomes a noctilucent cloud, illuminated by the Sun that hasn’t...

Awesome Shot of the Earth from a Geosynchronous Satellite

Over the course of a day the Earth changes quite a lot.  Lightning strikes the Earth 8 Million times per day as the mighty water cycle on our planet churns under the power of the Sun’s warmth and the Coriolis force on the Earth.  But have we ever just stared at the Earth’s surface over the course of the day?   Definitely.  We have seen the day to day changes from many different altitudes above the Earth’s surface, and the above image shows stunning changes over the course of a day.  But how do we get a picture like this?...