The Universe through my Eyes

Let me ask you, when you look at the stars on a cold, clear night, what do you see? Diamonds sparkling? Shapes? I do see those things, but I also see so much more. When I look at the stars, I see a thousand generations of humans looking up in wonder, writing shapes in the dirt and telling incredible stories of brave heroes, ferocious beasts, and important lessons.  I see our common ancestors using the sky to predict the weather, the seasons, and even the coming of the end of the world.  They were looking at a comet in the...

Huge Physics News: Neutron-Proton Mass Difference Found!

Our entire universe, from the tiniest atoms, to the structure of our experiential world, to the most massive galaxy clusters and the cosmic web, is dependent on a set of single properties, where small changes to these fundamental numbers would lead to a state where none of it could exist.  Understanding these fundamental numbers is the key to unlocking the deepest secrets of the universe and answering the biggest questions of our existence.  One of these numbers is the tiny difference in the masses of the proton and neutron.  If it varied even a little bit in either direction, we...