A New Comet, With Old Questions

Every time a comet slowly approaches the inner solar system, astronomers get excited.  We are hopeless romantics, wishing the new comet will brighten enough to be labeled the next ‘comet of the century.’  Yet we have had our hearts broken before, more often than not.  The most recent fizzled comet was nearly two years ago with the burn up of comet ISON as it passed close to the Sun.  It made for a spectacular view for SOHO and SDO looking at the Sun, but for the rest of us it was just another heartbreak.  But once again we have hope; A...

Hardy New Comet may Become Visible

Comets are a lot like the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team.  They get you really excited early on, and just when your hopes are highest, they become a continual disappointment.  Then you go through the same thing the next time around.  More often than not, comets with great expectations fizzle or burn up.  Here are my top five comet fizzles from recorded history. But comets, unlike the Leafs, can sometimes succeed.  They can live up to expectations and become a beautiful night sky jewel.  Hale-Bopp comes to mind from 1997, when it exceeded the expectations and became the comet of a...

Top 5 comet breakups in History

When comets breakup it can be an emotional time for Astronomers, amateur and professional alike.  Though not like a breakup with a significant other, we get our hopes up that the next comet will be a comet of the century.  We do this because comets are very unpredictable, and any given close approach to Earth could be spectacular….or terrible. Comet ISON is about to pass behind the sun on November 28th, and could potentially break into pieces from the sun’s incredible tidal forces.  In honour of a new potential breakup, here are the top 5 comet breakups in history: #5...