15 Years of ISS Astronauts

It has been 15 years since November 2nd, 2000, when Astronauts first occupied the International Space Station.  Since then, it has been inhabited continuously by a team of up to six people.  220 citizens of Earth from 17 nations have flown with $100 Billion station over many 45 minute orbits of our planet. The men and women who have spent time aboard the station have had a view of our world that so many people have never experienced.  Seeing the planet as a planet, one of countless other worlds in a dark empty void dotted by stars, it changes your perspective on...

A Solar Flare vs. All the Holiday lights on Earth: Which has more energy?

I’ve talked at length about Solar Flares.  They are massively energetic, and due to the Sun’s 11 year maximum period of activity, we have seen a lot of powerful ones this year.  With the holidays in full swing, sometimes the Universe can put up its own lights.   Which is More Powerful? A Solar Flare or all the Lights on Earth during the season? First of all, we need to figure out how much energy lights produce, and roughly how many homes put them up, and for how long.  We will have to make some assumptions, but we will start...