How I missed the Pluto flyby – The Greatest Astronomy Story of the Year

For anyone who actually reads this blog, which based on my stats could be anywhere from 1 person (myself) to 300 people a day, you’ll have noticed I’ve been missing my daily posts for the last week.  It was my glorious vacation week, the first one I’ve had in three years, and though I tried and tried, there was only one week that worked out perfectly for scheduling, and it was the one week I didn’t want to miss. In all my planning and preparations, the only week that worked was the exact same week as the historic flyby of...

Vacation Week and APOD

Lucky me.  I’m taking a vacation next week. The same week that New Horizons will make it’s flyby of Pluto.  It just means I get to watch from the road, from the outside in for once.  I’m still looking forward to it, but with a cup of coffee and a national park as my venue, rather than a newsroom media call.  At any rate, my posting will continue as I still feel like my blog-a-day rationale is beneficial for me as a writer (and hopefully for you as the reader), though I might mix in a few of my own photos from a...