2015: A Calendar Year of Blogging

This is it, my 365th post of 2015.  I didn’t post every day, but I produced one post for each and every day.  Some days I was on vacation, with family, having adventures, sick, tired, working, or any of a hundred other reasons for not posting.  But regardless of the reason, I took the day, got up the next day, and worked extra hard to keep up with it.  This is the first time I have ever completed a New Year’s Resolution, and it was certainly an ambitious one. Maybe my writing has improved, and maybe it hasn’t, but 2015...

365 Days and 365 Posts – My Year of Blogging

Today is the day that one year ago that I sat down and decided I wanted to improve my writing skills.  I decided I wanted to keep up with the latest news in the world of astronomy and space science.  I decided I wanted to learn astrophotography and renew my passion for astronomy, a passion I have had since I was 6 years old.  I decided I would write an article every day, or at least post something. And even though I didn’t write a post every 24 hours, due to vacations, family events, and life getting in the way,...

Post to promote blog + New Career Developments

Technocrati claim token VVY3PGW9WXGJ Okay to Actually make this a post sort-of worth viewing, I’ll quickly talk about a couple of new ideas and developments on my end. 1. In preparation for this blog and my usual astronomy related activities, I’ve been reading and paraphrasing one astronomy article every day, faithfully, since February. In the spirit of sharing and still getting practice, I’m going to blog about many of these articles with the goal of ‘making them accessible to the public.’ So I’ll take each article and talk about the concepts, to give me some practice in my ability to communicate...