I have never, not once, in my life, solved or seriously attempted to solve a Rubik’s cube.
I had all kinds of puzzles and games growing up, so I wasn’t deprived at all, it just never happened. I feel I was just past the generation that was introduced to the cube, and maybe a quick look as a kid convinced me it wasn’t worth the time. I also think that never seeing one in a store as a child was a factor, or maybe I was just into video games.
While training for my new part time job this week I noticed a book on the table in the break room:

I started reading it, and a couple of coworkers made some comments, leading to a conversation about a piece of my youth apparently missing. I’m not entirely sure how but we got on the idea of me using the book to solve a cube, and my coworker Helena said she would bring a rubik’s cube to work this Sunday so I could give it a try.
The only catch is that I couldn’t practice beforehand. So the challenge was issued. I would study and read the book without actually seeing or practicing on a cube, real or simulated, for three days. Then I would, for the first time ever, make a serious attempt to solve a cube as quickly as possible.
The whole point of this is the old idea of knowledge vs. experience. Is the fastest way to gain a skill to read about it? Or to experience it over and over?
I think the true answer is both, but here I am testing my visualization skills to master a cube with zero experience.
I’ll see if I can videotape my attempt on Sunday.
I’d post a picture of a rubik’s cube but I’m not allowed to look at one….only the book cover.